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New Projects Gallery

New Projects Gallery

Welcome to our new projects page, where you can get a glimpse of our latest woodworking and renovation projects. Each Project is made with custom craftsmanship and an exceptional quality of material.

See how we transform wood into beautiful and functional pieces of furniture and cabinets.

From transforming your basement into an exceptional Entertainment / Recreation center.  Create additional bedrooms and baths.

Whether you are looking for inspiration, information, or collaboration, we hope you enjoy browsing through our new projects page.

Click on any Image in the Gallery to Start The Slide Show. The Slide Show will Allow you to navigate between images and show you the label for each.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments. We would love to hear from you.

Welcome to our new projects page, where you can get a glimpse of our latest woodworking and renovation projects. Each Project is made with custom craftsmanship and an exceptional quality of material.

See how we transform wood into beautiful and functional pieces of furniture and cabinets.

From transforming your basement into an exceptional Entertainment / Recreation center.  Create additional bedrooms and baths.

Click on any Image in the Gallery to Start The Slide Show. The Slide Show will Allow you to navigate between images and show you the label for each.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments. We would love to hear from you.